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If you are here, it is likely that you are interested in becoming a homeowner. Well, we’ve got great
news, you are in the right place! In this post, you will learn how our “Investing Towards Real Estate
Ownership (INTRO) Program” works. But first, let us tell you what inspired us to create this program.


Home Ownership is harder than ever

We get it, we’ve been there. Saving enough for a down payment and qualifying for a mortgage is a real
challenge .


Did you know that over half of US renters cite “Difficulty with a down payment”
as their main affordability challenge?.


Additionally, for the past decade, the sky-rocketing cost of education, healthcare, and rent (to name a few) have far outpaced wage growth, resulting in a record number of millennials being left out of the homeownership pool. Saving money is harder than ever. Enter Mirabilis’ INTRO Program. Our program is designed to help you become a homeowner with no down payment and zero additional debt.

Our mission is to make homeownership accessible for everyone and that is why we have designed the most flexible co-ownership program yet.


Here is how it works:

Check our explanatory video!


Mirabilis’ INTRO Program (in 5 easy steps):


1. Get Prequalified: Here!
It is free and doesn´t affect your credit score. We´ll only ask a few basic questions, and then you’ll be on your way! Our simple questionnaire takes less than 5 minutes to fill and if you do get pre-qualified, we will let you know immediately.


2. Find your Dream Home:

Use our search tool to find your dream home. If you have a home in mind that is not currently listed on our website, give us the details and we will be happy to work with you.
When looking for a home you are free to work with your agent or if you need help in selecting a home, let us know and we will pair you with a local expert.
After you find your dream home, you will need to submit an application and get fully approved, this process is also quick if you meet all of the requirements. When entering our INTRO Program, you will be required to make a small down payment (1-3% in most cases).

Congrats, you have begun your homeownership journey!


3. Move in and pay monthly market rent
Now this is where things get interesting. After you’ve found your home, you move in and start paying monthly market rent. Every month, you have the option, but not the obligation, to pay a little extra. These additional payments will increase your share of ownership. These payments are completely flexible and you decide if, when, and how
much to contribute depending on your specific life circumstances. Remember that this is a long-term (up to 10 years) and highly flexible program.
Both your monthly rent and the value at which you can purchase ownership units are pre-set for the entire duration of the program so no surprises there!


4. Grow your Equity
Those small optional payments you make will continue to grow your ownership share in the house. However, even if you do not make additional payments our TURBO reinvestment Program is continuously working for you.
The house generates annual profits and because you are now co-owner of the house, some of those profits belong to you (based on the % ownership that you own). Our TURBO Reinvestment Program automatically invests that money on your behalf to continue growing your equity, talk about making your money work for you!


5. Become a Home-Owner!
You can decide to buy 100% of your home through the optional contributions, you have up to 10 years to do this. Additionally, at any point during the INTRO Program – for example when you have built enough equity so that a down payment is no longer required by a bank – you can apply for a mortgage and buy the share that you do not already own. Congratulations you are now a homeowner!


A few things to consider:
You can leave the program at any point in time: If at any point during the program you decide to leave, we will simply put the house for sale on the open market and distribute the proceeds based on your
share of equity ownership. You even take any appreciation with you!
You can transfer your equity: If you decide to move to another city or want a different home, you can simply transfer the equity in your existing home into your new one.

We take care of administrative tasks: While you are in the program we will take care of property taxes, insurance, repair costs, etc. You do not need to worry about any of this.


Talk to us to learn more, we are here to help you make your homeownership dreams cometrue.


Remember with Mirabilis Homes if you can dream it, you can own it!

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